Sunday, 21 November 2010

How Do I Know If I Might Be Psychic?

Before I complete my write up about Manchester Mind Body Spirit festival I will share some information the The Institute of Psychic Development gave to me at the fair yesterday (I'm sure they won't mind too much).

Their leaflet is entitled, "How Do I Know If I Might Be Psychic?" and lists a number of signs potential psychics should be on the look out for.

These include;

'Common co-incidences occurring in your life'

Yes, plenty of co-incidences in my life.

'Seeing things out of the corner of your eye'

Yes, I have fairly good vision, the corners of my eyes work fairly well.

'Feeling a 'breeze'...'

Ok, this is getting a bit spooky now.

'Strong fascination for psychic or spiritual knowledge'

Wow, I think this would apply to a lot of skeptics, perhaps we are all psychic?

Now I've confirmed I might be psychic, what do the Institute of Psychic Development recommend I do now?

'Home Study, Online & Attended Psychic Development Courses.'

Ah, I see, some cash required... not really too much of a surprise! I don't think it is a coincidence that this list applies to all 6.8 billion people alive today, I struggle to comprehend how anyone wouldn't see right through this list of 'psychic traits' and tell that this group are simply attempting to sell their courses to as many people as possible.

I wonder if Randi would accept items on this list as evidence for claiming the million dollar prize... I think not.

1 comment:

Tim H said...

Worth asking the question. If he accepts the central premise that psychic = human you could be on to something...

Nice article,
